Labels:book | bulletin board | chair | lp | person | tribute album OCR: Shathimers ITHE LEADING FASHIOH DEPAR MENT STORES SERVING vina INIA AND NORTH CAROLINA "Why we chose the NCR 315 Computer. THALHIMER BROT THERS INC Hichmona Ou computers dote bac Eoch montl added one of more stores placer equipment needed today, e the early 19507 wher we participotac our computer rystem, anc ars now thn tystem can ba exponded at our L an extensive omputer rescarch and test comoietely procesting h. customer ture naads demond And odditionolly the inp projnct Backed with thi sxperisnce accounts for out 12 stora Richmond 315 gives US0 strong foundaian upor We begon study design our systen and Dan ville Virginia Win which to grow and expond in the trad and thi led 10 Ou cholce of the NCR stan Salem ond Durham North Coroling ine greas which iarve. 315 Computer the one bes suiled ...